Target languages


Kotlin is a new predefined target language added in version 4.1.0

It supports nullable types.


C# target language has been improved

New temporal types have been added :

  • DateOnly ( Day / Month / Year )

  • TimeOnly ( Hour / Min / Sec / NanoSec )

Nullable types are now supported for C#


Typed class properties have been added in PHP 7.4

So it's now possible to generate PHP code with the type corresponding to the attribute.

The type can be : string, bool, int, float or DateTime

Nullable types are supported for PHP

Nullable types

Nullable types are now automatically provided for the languages concerned ( C#, PHP and Kotlin )

A nullable type is a type with a "nullable mark" at the end or at the beginning of the type, for example :

  • "int?" and "string?" for C#

  • "?int" and "?string" for PHP

The "nullable mark" is automatically added to the type if : the attribute is 'nullable' and $env.typeWithNullableMark is set to TRUE

Last updated